Upper Lip vs. Lower Lip: Which is the Better Place for Nicotine Pouches?

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Upper Lip vs. Lower Lip: Which is the Better Place for Nicotine Pouches?
Upper Lip vs. Lower Lip: Which is the Better Place for Nicotine Pouches?

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The best place to put a nicotine pouch is between the upper lip and gum. It reduces drip, creates a better kick, and causes a more consistent release of flavor and nicotine. A few people question this and ask why one should put the lip under the upper lip compared to the lower.

The answer is simple. Placing nicotine pouches beneath your upper lip is more convenient, safe, and enjoyable. Let's dig into the specifics, and while we're at it, let's find ways to enjoy our nicotine pouches to their fullest.

Short Overview of Upper Lip Vs Lower Lip for Nicotine Pouches

Here's a simple comparison of upper vs. lower lip nicotine pouch placement:

Upper Lip

Lower Lip

Less Messy

More Drip

More Comfortable

Slightly Irritating

Harder to Accidentally Swallow

Could Be Swallowed Accidentally

More Long-Lasting Release of Nicotine

Quicker Nicotine Kick

Overall, we recommend placing a nicotine pouch under your upper lip. It's much safer, prevents nicotine burn, drip, and feels more comfortable. 

Benefits of Nicotine Pouches in the Upper Lip

Modern tobacco-free nicotine pouches are a refined version of traditional snus. Naturally, the way we use these modern nicotine products is still the same. However, placing a nicotine pouch under the top lip also has its distinct benefits, like:


Comfort is an important part of your nicotine experience because most pouches last for more than 20 to 30 minutes. Ideally, you want the nicotine pouch in the most comfortable possible for that duration. Nicotine pouches placed beneath your top lip are more comfortable because of the extra space.

Less Drip

Nicotine pouches placed in the upper lip area minimize drip. Drip is when the contents of a pouch or smokeless tobacco products mix with excess saliva. Some Swedish snus users like drip because it increases the intensity of the flavor.

However, most people try to avoid drip because it's messy and ruins the experience of modern all-white nicotine pouches. Dripping also makes the nicotine pouch slimy and may leave a bad aftertaste.

More Discreet

The shape of the top gums (gingiva) and lip make them the perfect place to store a nicotine pouch. Most modern nicotine pouches like ZYN, VELO, LOOP, and VOLT that quickly adapt to the gum area. The tight position of the lower gingiva and the position of the chin make it harder for the nicotine pouch to fit discreetly.

Tips for Using Nicotine Pouches

Here are some tips for making your nicotine experience even more satisfactory:

  • Before putting the nicotine pouch in your mouth, try to distribute the content evenly in the pouch.

  • To avoid extra salivation, do not drink while using a nicotine pouch.

  • Use Dry pouches like ZYN Mini Dry Citrus if you want minimal drip.

  • Use Slim pouches like VELO Ice Cool Strong if you want absolute discretion.

  • Place the nicotine pouch close to your front teeth and far away from the wisdom teeth.

  • Use a nicotine pouch according to your tolerance level.

  • Use fresh nicotine pouches because stale pouches may ruin your experience.

  • Switch sides, for example, if you use a nicotine pouch on the left side, then put the next one on the right side.

These tips apply to all nicotine pouch brands. 

A Snusdaddy gentleman with a black top hat and sunglasses holding up a glass with white text saying

Upper Lip vs. Lower Lip: The Best Place For Your ZYNs & Nicotine Pouches?

The upper and lower lip debate has raged on for quite a while, and it's about time we put an end to it. Overall, your upper lip is the best place for a tobacco-free nicotine pouch. However, lower lip use has some advantages.

One example is the quick release of flavor and nicotine. The high salivation at the floor of the mouth releases the nicotine and flavor more quickly. At the same time, it increases the drip and messes with the flavor, by leaving an odd aftertaste and burning sensation in your throat. 

Experienced snus and dip users have traditionally used the bottom teeth and gingiva. Placing your nicotine pouches there may create an intense flavor at the back of the throat and give you a stronger nicotine buzz. 

Tips for Nicotine Pouch Placement

A few tips that we'd like to share with you here are:

  • Do not place a nicotine pouch between your lower lip and gum because it is messy and unsafe. Always place it beneath the upper lips. 

  • Don't place your nicotine pouches close to your wisdom teeth because it will create extra drip due to the extra moisture.

  • Alternate the sides of your gum when you're using ZYN nicotine pouches consecutively. If you place it on the right side, change it to the left on next use. 

  • Read our guide on how to use nicotine pouches safely after wisdom teeth removal or other dental procedures.

  • Rinse your mouth after successive uses to avoid bad breath or bitter aftertaste. Also, use the right number of nicotine pouches per day to avoid overdosage. 

A Snusdaddy model showing her lips and upper lip.

How to Place Your Nicotine Pouch for Maximum Comfort and Minimal Drip

One of the most common problems that nicotine pouch users experience is that the pouches don't sit well under the lip. A major reason for this is the wrong placement. Let's look at how you can achieve maximum comfort when using smoke-free nicopods. 

Proper Placement for ZYN

Distribute the nicotine content, try to keep it close to the center of the lip. Plenty of people place it close to the cheeks for discretion, which ruins the experience. Some people even report accidentally swallowing the pouch. If you want absolute discretion, then try a Slim nicotine pouch.

These pouches are thinner than the usual nicotine pouches and fit under your lip with ease. You should also press your lip gently from the outside after placing the nicotine pouch. Doing this will nudge the nicotine pouch into place.

Reduce Drip When Using ZYN

Another common issue is drip. If you struggle with drip, try using Dry nicotine pouches instead of the normal pouches. Dry nicotine pouches have lower moisture content, which reduces salivation. 

To reduce drip even more, do not drink while using any nicotine pouch. Smokers in particular aren't well acquainted with the topic. Read our guide on how to use nicotine pouches for some pointers to the best experience.

Science Behind Upper Lip Placement of Nicotine Pouches

Historically, people have used snus products in different ways. Some placed them under their upper gums, and others placed them under their lower gums. However, over the span of the last few centuries, the anonymous consensus has been that the upper gums are better.

If you ask anyone the reason, they'll say something similar to ā€œIt feels better!ā€ However, there is a scientific explanation. Let's look at that.

Nicotine Pouch Placement With Science

Tobacco-free nicotine pouches, snuff, and other smokeless products work by interacting with the Buccal Mucosa (the Inner Lining of your cheeks). When the nicotine powder interacts with moisture, it leaks out. The Buccal Mucosa picks up the nicotine and takes it on a ride around the body.

The nicotine ā€œhitā€ and ā€œbuzzā€ that you get is all thanks to that slimy layer of Buccal Mucosa (lining of the mouth). When you put your pouches in the lower gums, they get closer to the salivary glands. The nicotine release increases significantly and accelerates the experience. 

The flavor and nicotine mixed with the saliva also trickle down your throat and interact with the membranes there. The nicotine pouch experience is intense, but the excess saliva also leads to more drip, which most users dislike.

Conclusion: Upper Lip Is Better Than Lower Lip

We recommend placing your nicotine pouches under your upper lip for the most enjoyable and discreet experience. It's also the safest way to use your pouches, as you minimize the risk of swallowing them.

Remember to choose the right type of nicotine pouch for your needs. Furthermore, always store your nicotine pouches properly to ensure they stay fresh, safe, and flavorful. Take a look at our guide on how to store and keep nicotine pouches fresh for helpful tips.

Lastly, ensure that you're using nicotine pouches responsibly and according to your tolerance level. Take a look at our list of the best nicotine pouches to find the best fit. If you have any concerns about using nicotine pouches, consult a healthcare professional.

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